Emily Bache
Emily is the author of “Technical Agile Coaching with the Samman method”.
Emily is a Technical Coach with Bache Consulting and the chair of the executive board of the Samman Technical Coaching Society.
Learning Hours:
- Approval Testing Combinations
- Approval Testing Intro
- Architecture Decision Records
- Arrange - Act - Assert
- Asserting on Collections of Objects
- BDD Process
- Beck's 4 rules of simple design
- Benefits of Arrange - Act - Assert
- Bottom-up design
- Change Signature
- Characteristics of Unit tests
- Code Reading - Identifying Code Smells
- Code Reading - Scanning
- Combination Approvals needs a Pure Function
- Common Code Smells
- Complexity / Collaborator quadrant analysis
- Cover the patient with tests
- Custom Assertions
- Data Driven testing with Approvals
- Demo of Approvals with Coverage and Mutation testing
- Design for Approval Testing
- Design in the Red step
- Designing a Printer
- Discover and Formulate Scenarios
- Divio Documentation System
- Double-Loop TDD
- Example-guided design
- Faking Dependencies
- Filtering output that varies
- Four Pillars of a Good Test (Khorikov)
- Gherkin intro
- Golden Rule of TDD
- Idiomatic Code
- Iterative or Incremental
- Keyboarding skills
- Leap Years with Approvals
- Make a test list
- Misconceptions about Refactoring
- Mocking Dependencies
- Modelling vs Diagramming
- Move the patient into the surgery
- Outside-in TDD
- Overdesign
- Parameterized Tests
- Parameterized Tests in Doctest
- Refactor for testability
- Refactoring Golf
- Refactoring Without Tools
- Replace Conditional With Polymorphism
- Return the patient
- Roll Up Loop
- Sandboxing Introduction
- Selecting and ordering test cases
- Simon Brown's C4 model - Container diagram
- Simon Brown's C4 model - Intro
- Simplify Conditional
- Slicing a task using ZOMBIES
- Split Loop
- Split Phase
- Split Variable
- Start with the Assertion
- Strangler Fig Pattern
- Strategy - Peel
- Strategy - Slice
- Stubbing Dependencies
- Supplying User Input via stdin
- TDD Fluency
- TDD cycles
- TDD with TextTest
- TDD with a list
- Take Smaller Steps
- Talking with Intent, Typing Syntax
- Test Doubles Intro
- Test Driving Development with Approvals
- Test Fixture design
- Test Fixtures - Readability vs Duplication
- Test Names
- Test Order
- Test maintenance
- Testing Private Methods
- Testing Pure Functions
- Text-Based Testing
- Text-based Approval Tests for Yatzy
- The Dependency Inversion Principle
- Three parts of a test
- Unit Test FIRST properties
- Unit Tests Should Find Bugs
- User Documentation and code snippets
- Using TDD to write a Leap Years function
- Using coverage when adding tests to existing code
- Vocabulary for Refactoring
- When to use a Test Double
- When you need a mock
Co-authored Learning Hours:
- Identify Paragraphs in Long Methods
- Invasive Critical Aggregator
- Mending Law of Demeter Issues with Refactoring Tools
- Parallel Change
- Primitive Obsession
- Test Fixture Introduction
- When you need a fake
- When you need a spy
- When you need a stub